Sylvester's Game of Cat & Rabbit
Sylvester spies a rabbit . A face-paced game of chase begins. Sylvester grows weary of chasing the rabbit. He is off to search for food....

Durable Cat Toys
Cat toys are Not created equal. Over the years our kittens have been our toy testers and here are some toys we have found to be very...

Cleaning Green
Years ago I gave up using toxic smelly cleaners and instead began using safe non-toxic ones. Especially around children and animals. It...

Spring is right around the corner (I hope) and thoughts of being outside with our furry friends is on all of our minds. Cats do benefit...

Spring will soon be here and so will the dreaded flea season! Fleas are every pet owners nightmare. I see people wondering about...

Homeopathy for animals-what about it?
For years people have trusted traditional vets to care for their beloved animals. I want to introduce you to another type; the...

Sylvester the Feral Cat
Brrr, it sure is cold here! Myself and the cats would really like to visit the beach! #pets #comic #feral #cats

Greetings from snow covered Iowa!
When you live in Iowa snow is usually a given. So we have come up with some ideas to make life a little easier for our feral cats. The...

Welcome to my new blog!
I am very excited to start this new adventure called blogging. Be sure to follow along and join in. We will have a short comicstrip, a...