Spring is right around the corner (I hope) and thoughts of being outside with our furry friends is on all of our minds. Cats do benefit from the fresh air and sunshine, but I feel the safest way for them to enjoy the outdoors is in a catio.
These enclosures come in all different sizes and can be a basic or a very complex structure. They all, however, have one goal in common; to keep the cat safe!
For our use, we have created farm type catios; wire and wood. Our enclosure is an extension of the pole building and has a dig-proof floor. The wire we use has to be strong because our cats love to climb to the top. We also have large predators that could easily tear through mesh or chicken wire.
As far as what to put in an enclosure, well that is up to you. Some inexpensive items are: large empty flower pots, rectangular laundry baskets, lawn chairs, cat trees, and pet cots.
I have even heard of people buying old plastic children's furniture, such as play houses and picnic tables at yard sales. As you can see, we have a small plastic pool (with drain holes) filled with plastic bouncy house balls. Tunnels and wand toys add to the variety.
Discarded items can be recycled. Old tires can be used as hiding places and wooden ladders are great for climbing.
Whatever you do, just have fun designing yours today!
To help you get started check out this website. https://catiospaces.com/