Meet the Special Needs Kitties
If you would like to do something nice for these kitties, please refer to the "Ways To Help" page. Thank you.
Could use a co-helper
Sable came to us along with another adult kitty and five kittens. We were and still aren't sure which kittens belonged to which mommy kitty. This sweet totally lovable kitty was just diagnosed with stomatitis, but is doing well. She is on a homeopathic remedy.
Food: Fancy Feast with a little Dave's on the side.
Supplements: Colostrum & Probiotics
Litter: Scoop Away $10 a month
When her mouth bothers her she gets baby food meat & Delectables

Could use a co-helper
Domino was hanging around our farm and we were worried she would get pregnant. So we trapped her and took her to the vet to get a check up and shots. Vet thought she was already pregnant.
Well, Domino had us all fooled. After waiting the normal period for her babies to arrive we became worried and decided to take her back to the vet. Nothing! X-ray did not show any babies. It was a rare case of pseudopregnancy. She has no real special needs except she was thin we we first took her in. To keep her healthy we feed her daily:
Dry food & a 1/2 baby food meat daily
Litter: Scoop Away $10 a month

Silver Ninja passed away*
Cowabunga and Puppy could use a co-helper
These three furbabies are Whitetip's one and only litter of kittens. They will be celebrating their 9th birthday in May. For us, this is a miracle, because a few years ago they were electrocuted by a water fountain (it was a faulty design on the manufacturers part). Thank goodness our vet put two and two together and treated them with a homeopathic remedy (there is no conventional treatment for electrocution). Even she didn't think Puppy would survive. He did! And so did the others! We thank the Dear Lord for that. Unfortunately this had an adverse effect on their systems (it changes their blood cells), so we try to keep them as healthy as possible.
Food: Dave's can food and dry $3 each daily
Supplements: Probiotics & Ester C $1 a day
Litter: Scoop Away $10 a month

Could use a co-helper
Shadow was born feral around 7 or 8 years ago. He lived for the first few years in our county park and roaming the countryside in search of food and a place to sleep. He finally made his way to our farm and was a frequent visitor until one day we noticed he was sick.
Trapping feral cats in farm country is not easy, but we managed to. He recovered from his illness, was neutered, and is now one of the most lovable kitties we have (with us-he is still wary of strangers).
In January 2019 it was discovered that he had bladder stones. We were treating him homeopathically, but we ran out of time to continue treatment because our vet was retiring. He had bladder surgery in June and is now on homeopathic meds as a preventative.
He loves to play with balls and wands. It makes my heart swell to watch him play-knowing that he will never again have to go hungry or fear for his life or sleep on the cold ground in the dead of winter.
This is what we spend each month for Shadow's care:
Food: Fancy Feast, 2-3 oz cans 2x daily-trying to get him to eat Nutrisource can food $3.25 a day
Homeopathic meds & Supplements:Probiotic & Ester C $1 a day
Litter: Scoop Away $10 a month

Could use a co-helper
Spotty was born on our farm just three days after his mommy, Butterscotch, was trapped. He is an October kitten, which as you all know is a death sentence if they are not caught before winter hits. We took them in and our farm has been home to the entire family for several years. Right before our vet retired she neutered him. Not only did he struggle to wake up from the anesthesia, Spotty also suffered a nervous breakdown which caused him to be a compulsive licker and lose most of his fur. Zylkene worked wonders along with a homeopathic remedy to help his anxiety. I waited until now to get a picture-he looks pretty good here. We have discontinued the Zylkene and he is now just on the homeopathic remedy.
His monthly care:
Food: Eats Dave's canned food. approx $3 a day
Supplements: Probiotics & Ester C $1 a day
Litter: Scoop Away $10 a month
Could use a co-helper
Harley is 1 of 4 kittens that came to our farm.
Last summer he became very anemic-to the point the vet thought he would die. Bloodwork showed nothing out of the ordinary. We took him home, fed him supplements and raw beef liver. He survived.
He was placed on a homeopathic remedy
Food: Dave's can food and dry $3 daily
Supplements: Probiotics & Ester C $1 a day
Litter: Scoop Away $10 a month
Could use a co-helper
Butterscotch showed up on our farm extremely pregnant in October of 2014. We knew as late as it was her babies would not survive our harsh Iowa winters. So we set out to trap her. We no more caught her and set up a safe warm place for her to have the babies, she gave birth. Nine babies-eight males and one female. They all survived, however, because mama did not get good care while being pregnant they all were kinda sickly. With lots of love and care-they all turned into nine beautiful kitties who made their home our farm.
As you can see her eyes are a little weird. They have improved greatly with the homeopathic remedy (they are now going the same direction). Butterscotch has now developed stomatitis. We are treating her homeopathically.
Food: Fancy Feast & Dave's around $3 a day
Supplements: Probiotics
Litter: Scoop Away $10 a month
Every now and then she gets picky about her food-we like to keep baby food meat and Delectables on hand for her.
Could use a co-helper
Hotrod is another one of Butterscotch's nine kittens born here in 2014. Just like his siblings this is his forever home. One day he appeared to be having trouble eating, the vet said his teeth are not the best. He does not have stomatitis, however. Hotrod has decided canned food is pretty good. He too is on a homeopathic remedy.
Food: Dave's $3 daily and he likes his dry food powdered.
Supplements: Probiotics
Litter: Scoop Away $10 a month