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When we first began this journey, Amanda was a stray feral cat that came to visit every day. While I enjoyed her company, I was not ready for another cat in my life. My long time buddy, an orange tabby cat named Tiger had been my constant companion for 16 years and I was still grieving for him. I really think Amanda knew this, she was determined to  bring me out of my grief. Well it worked!


Below you will see the evolution of how we learned to helped the cats that crossed our path. It was a learning process, one of which we are still expanding on. Everyday we learn something new. As you can see we have made quite a transformation already, but our work is not done. Please continue to follow us as we create a bigger and better habitat for these amazing wonderful felines that were once shunned by soceity.


© 2021 Amand'a Feral Cat Sanctuary. Proudly created with

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